Wednesday 9 August 2017

Some Important Tips For Basking Fresh Table Eggs!

One of the most enjoyable reasons to have chickens is the regular supply of fresh table eggs. Here are some tips regarding egg production by your backyard flock.

First, you don’t require a rooster in your flock to have eggs. Hens will lay eggs with or without a rooster around. If you want to have eggs to eat, you don’t have to keep a rooster. He’ll will simply feed and raise your egg production cost.

Usually, your hens will start laying eggs between 5 and 6 months. If you haven’t seen your hen eggs before, you will be surprised. They are just small versions of the ones that you buy at the grocery store. They will keep on getting bigger as your hens get bigger, but the eggs are small when the hens first start laying eggs.

To make sure you have sound egg production, be sure you provide right nutrition to your hens. They require ample protein (16-18%). You have to supplement their food with a proper layer feed. The feed should be specifically formulated with extra calcium to make sure you get strong shells. If you can’t get a layer feed with the right balance of calcium added, then you will have to arrange for another source of calcium for your hens.

It’s a great idea to have nesting boxes for the hens. They love to lay eggs in an enclosed area. Make sure you arrange for a separate perching area, so that the hens don’t tend to sleep where they are laying the eggs. Make sure to have some type of bedding for the hens so that they can scratch out their nests to lay the eggs. Along with consuming your monster energy drink, make sure to collect the eggs frequently, unless you want the hens to hatch them.